hey..hey...hello..hello...hola...hola..ehhhe....sebelum ape2...nak say alhamdulillah n segunung terima kasih kepadaNYA di atas segala limpah kurniaNYA..
what to story??? x tau ape nak mule....ok...first let me story first about his birthday ari tu....semuanya berjaya dilaksanakan...he really like the present and the cute cup cake...hehe...tu paling penting kan...so end of the story...we had dinner at tepi tasik layang2...alahai...mkn steambot menghadap tasik dimalam hari...romantik sgt...(mata ke atas, tgn kt bahu)..die seorang yg sgt simple...senang dgn die..x banyak songeh...huhu..mane2 pn leh duduk makan..huhuhu..so conclusionnye...celebration his birthday quite successful la even though it is not perfect like i'm planned....but its ok..die suprise n suke semuanya ok la...kan..kan..hehehe.....here THREE word for u sayang...p/s : x smpat btoi nak capture pic perfume aku beli utk die tu...alahai...
habis cerita besday2 ni....now...want to continue about "one day meet skin specialist"...ok....13.3.2013 hari tu aku n my beloved father dah mengholidaykan diri utk pi bertemu pakar kulit...uolss tau je la kulit ni..dari i baby sampai la ni x ok2...huhuhu..so doktor highlight beberapa perkara penting that i need to do...OMG....actually its really hard to do ok...so sad....here it is...
1. cannot eat seafood anymore except ikan....omg...ok fine doctor...based on doctor, seafood ade iodin yg boleh mempengaruhi pertumbuhan pimple...ok...fine..fine..no more seafood for 6 months...T_T
2. i must meet doctor every months for the check up until 6 months my treatment...ok fine...biase la....jmpe doktor...ubat..ubat..dan ubat....alahai....
3. nasib baik ubat nye 1 je..hehe...must eat 1 bijik setiap malam sebelum tido....mesti pakai krim die bagi tu...satu krim malam n pagi..and also need to wash my face at least 3 kali sehari with the cleanser...ok...nasib baik pencuci muke oxy saya ok..doktor kate pencuci muke oxy bagus...so i recommend for uolls yg masih mencari cleanser yg bagus...why not try oxy...pakar kulit kate ok...=)
ok...tu la yg aku kena buat sepanjang tempoh rawatan...6 bulan ok...alahai..harap2 lepas ni ok la....aminnn...
selain dari makan ubat doktor...aku jugak baru try rumpai laut collagen tu....erm....nak ckp mcm mne ek...rase die x la truk mane..tp stiap kali nak makn mmg rase nk terbelahak jugak..huhuhu...die mcm agar2 @ lengkong mcm tu...sbbkan aku baru first time try...budak tu ltk sikit sunkist oren..so x de la bau mane...org kate bau die hanyir mcm tu..so far ok la...mkn tiap2 pagi...mlm x leh sbb aku dah mkn ubat dktor kan...
ni la rupe bnde alah tu..
p/s : pic ni aku curik dari fb org yg jual kat aku bnde ni..hehehe...
ok done with all of this..now want to share a little bit of my happiness with my sayangss..hehe...the past two days ni we all pi survey barang2 utk hantaran...and guess what we done buy cincin merisik n my handbag..hehehe....seriously mase die ajak tu x terbayang akan terus beli..ingat just tanye2 harge n survey2 je...last2 die tnye nak yg mane..alahai....terkezut jugak la....die ckp beli sikit2 dulu....now mmg rase die btul2 serious utk ke arah tu....perasaan sekarang ...................
mesti la happy kan....jiwa ropol2..muke ade senyum..hehee..semoga apa yang dirancang berjalan dgn lancar.....aminnn...
p/s : rindunye nak bergalaksi ngn mek due orang ni.....T_T
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